Jul 26, 2022 | Laura Cressman | 1036 views
Wallace Minor Hockey Is Set to Take the Ice!
Welcome back for the 2022-2023 Season WMH Families. Our Executive have been working to organize for the upcoming season. We are still taking Registrations until Aug 31 at
https://page.hockeycanada.ca/page/hc/ohf/ontario-minor-hockey-association/woaa-l/wallace/participant/1ecafd48-a6aa-6cc8-9854-06fd7e65e18e but we do have ice times scheduled in Listowel to start our season in Sept.
SKMC Ice Times:
U7 (2016's) & U8 (2015's) teams will take the ice Sunday Sept 11/18/25/Oct 3 at the Steve Kerr Memorial Complex from
1-2pm, followed by our
U9 (2014's) team from
2-2:50pm.Wallace ice surface should be ready to go in Kurtzville by Oct 3. Our U5 (2018/2019's) & U6 (2017's) teams will begin Monday Oct 3 and the U7, U8, U9 teams will return to Home ice. All schedules are already posted on the calendar and can easily be linked to you personal phone calendar by hitting the subscribe to calendar for your players team in the top right hand corner of your child's team home page.
Please call/text Laura Cressman 519.292.9227 if you have any questions!